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Assembly Source File
102 lines
;DSK2SCRN.COM B.Kauler 1989.
;reads a text file from disk and displays it on the screen.
;DOS command line: DSK2SCRN [filename]
comseg segment
assume cs:comseg,ds:comseg,ss:comseg
org 100h
main proc far
jmp code_starts
;disk access data here.....
fcb db 36 dup(0) ;file control block.
dta db 0 ;disk transfer area(1byte only).
err_msg db "file access error!"
;program data here.....
char_pos db 0 ;character position on the line.
;read the DOS-command-line tail from the PSP, to a File Control
;Block (FCB) that we are creating for the file to be opened.....
mov si,5Ch ;get addr of tail in PSP.
mov di,offset fcb ;get addr of FCB.
mov cx,12 ;string length to move.
rep movsb ;mov string PSP -->FCB.
;We need to specify a Disk Transfer Address, through which chars
;are sent to and received from disk....
mov dx,offset dta ;DOS function SET_DTA.
mov ah,1Ah ; /(DS:DX-->)
int 21h ; /
;the filename must be at DS:DX to open the file. We have the name
;in the FCB, so....
mov dx,offset fcb ;DOS function OPEN_FILE.
mov ah,0Fh ; /(DS:DX-->)
int 21h ; /
cmp al,0 ;test file open error.
jnz error
;If function 0Fh succeeds in opening the file, various relevant
;information is automatically transfered from disk into the FCB.
;the first byte of the FCB will hold the disk number from which
;the file was read, and offset 0Eh specifies the record-size
;and is set to 128, which is arbitrary, and we can change it and
;other parameters....
mov word ptr fcb+0Ch,0 ;current block=0.
mov word ptr fcb+0Eh,1 ;record size=1
mov fcb+20h,0 ;current record=0
;read a char from file & display it....
;note that we test here for CTRL-Z to determine the end of the
;file, as CTRL-Z occurs at the end of text files, however
;function 14h returns an error-code in AL that can be used to
;signal the end of file.
again: mov dx,offset fcb ;DOS function SEQUENTIAL_READ.
mov ah,14h ; /
int 21h ; /
cmp al,0 ;test if read error.
jnz error
mov al,dta ;get the char just read.
cmp al,1Ah ;is it CTRL-Z?
je eof
cmp al,09h ;is it TAB?
je tab
call disp_char ;display the char.
inc char_pos ;update current char position.
cmp dta,0Ah ;test if end of line.
jne again ;not end of line--get next char.
mov char_pos,0 ;clear char count.
jmp again ;get next char.
tab: mov al," "
call disp_char ;display a blank.
inc char_pos ;update current char position.
test char_pos,7 ;are we at a TAB stop?
jz again ;yes.
jmp tab
eof: mov dx,offset fcb ;DOS function CLOSE_FILE.
mov ah,10h ; /
int 21h ; /
mov al,0 ;return to DOS.
mov ah,4Ch ; /
int 21h ; /
error: mov dx,offset err_msg ;display error message.
mov ah,9 ; /
int 21h ; /
mov al,0 ;return to DOS.
mov ah,4Ch ; /
int 21h ; /
disp_char proc near
push bx
mov bx,0 ;display a char.
mov ah,14 ; /
int 10h ; /
pop bx
main endp
comseg ends
end main